Monday, August 31, 2020

Americans Are Sitting on Tremendous Equity


Americans Are Sitting on Tremendous Equity


More than half of homes in America have at least 50% equity. Wondering how much equity you have? Let's connect.

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Three Ways to Win in a Bidding War


Three Ways to Win in a Bidding War | MyKCM

With so few houses for sale today and low mortgage rates driving buyer activity, bidding wars are becoming more common. Multiple-offer scenarios are heating up, so it’s important to get pre-approved before you start your search. This way, you can put your best foot forward – quickly and efficiently – if you’re planning to buy ...

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Friday, August 28, 2020

4 Reasons to Sell Your House


4 Reasons to Sell Your House


Is this summer the right time to sell your home? Wondering if you should put your house on the market today? Check out this video for the best reasons to list your house this summer!

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The Cost of Renting Vs. Buying a Home [INFOGRAPHIC]


The Cost of Renting Vs. Buying a Home [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM

Some Highlights The percentage of income needed to afford a median-priced home today is declining, while that for renting is on the rise. This is making buying a home an increasingly attractive option for many people, especially with low mortgage rates driving purchasing power. Let’s connect if you’d like expert guidance on exploring your homebuying ...

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Forbearance Numbers Are Lower Than Experts Forecasted


Forbearance Numbers Are Lower Than Experts Forecasted 

Forbearances have stayed well under the rate experts initially forecasted. Let's connect if you have questions about your options.

Why Is It so Important to Be Pre-Approved in the Homebuying Process?


Why Is It so Important to Be Pre-Approved in the Homebuying Process? | MyKCM

You may have heard that pre-approval is a great first step in the homebuying process. But why is it so important? When looking for a home, the temptation to fall in love with a house that’s outside your budget is very real. So, before you start shopping around, it’s helpful to know your price range, ...

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How to Know if You've Found the Real Estate Agent of Your Dreams!


How to Know if You've Found the Real Estate Agent of Your Dreams!


Whether you are buying your first home, or selling your house to move up to the home of your dreams, finding the right agent to help you on your journey should be your first step! Look for someone who guides you with the 'heart of a teacher' and keeps your goals top of mind. Let's get together to chat about all the ways we can make your dreams come true!

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Should You Buy an Existing Home or New Construction?


Should You Buy an Existing Home or New Construction? | MyKCM

Finding the right home to purchase today is one of the biggest challenges for potential buyers. With so few homes for sale and construction of newly built homes ramping up, you may be wondering if you should consider new construction in your search process. It’s a great question to ask, and one to look at ...

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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

When's the Best Time to Sell Your House?


When's the Best Time to Sell Your House?


Waiting until spring to list your house no longer makes sense. Most listings come to market between April and June, so waiting to list means you'll be met with a ton of competition. Let's get together today to discuss why it makes more sense to list your house now!

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Builders & Realtors Agree: Real Estate Is Back


Builders & Realtors Agree: Real Estate Is Back | MyKCM

When shelter-in-place orders brought the economy to a screeching halt earlier this year, many believed the residential housing market would follow suit. Countless analysts predicted buyer demand would disappear and home values would depreciate for the first time in almost a decade. That, however, didn’t happen. It appears the opposite is taking place. After the ...

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Monday, August 24, 2020

Rising Home Prices Help Build Family Wealth


Rising Home Prices Help Build Family Wealth


As home prices continue to appreciate, many potential buyers and sellers aren't sure what it really means for them. It's important to understand, however, that rising prices also means rising equity. Let's get together to discuss how rising prices and appreciation may impact you.

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The Top Reasons People Are Moving This Year


The Top Reasons People Are Moving This Year | MyKCM

Today, Americans are moving for a variety of different reasons. The current health crisis has truly re-shaped our lifestyles and our needs. Spending extra time where we currently live is enabling many families to re-evaluate what homeownership means and what they find most important in a home. According to Zillow: “In 2020, homes went from ...

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Friday, August 21, 2020

51% of Homeowners Love Their Forever Homes ...Do You?


51% of Homeowners Love Their Forever Homes ...Do You?


Studies show that over 50% of homeowners love their homes and have no plans to sell. What's holding you back from finding your forever home? Let's get together so we can find you your dream home today!

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Ask a Pro About Buying a Home [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ask a Pro About Buying a Home [INFOGRAPHIC] | MykCM

Some Highlights According to trending data, searches for key real estate topics are skyrocketing online. Clearly, lots of people have questions about buying a home, and other topics related to the process. Working with a trusted real estate professional will help you create the most personalized and helpful experience. Let’s connect so you have the ...

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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Home Has a Whole New Meaning Today


Home Has a Whole New Meaning Today


With so much extra time being spent at home, your family may be putting bigger demands on your house than it can handle. Let's connect to find the perfect home that's able to meet your needs.

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Forbearance Numbers Are Lower than Expected

 Forbearance Numbers Are Lower than Expected | MyKCM

Originally, some housing industry analysts were concerned that the mortgage forbearance program (which allows families to delay payments to a later date) could lead to an increase in foreclosures when forbearances end. Some even worried that we might relive the 2006-2008 housing crash all over again. Once you examine the data, however, that seems unlikely. ...

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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Top 3 Myths Holding Back Buyers


Top 3 Myths Holding Back Buyers


Many buyers are worried about finding a home they like or being able to afford a home as interest rates continue to rise. If you're a potential homebuyer who's on the sidelines because of what you're hearing in the media, don't let these myths derail you. Let's get together to discuss your ability to purchase a home.

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Just How Strong Is the Housing Recovery?

Just How Strong Is the Housing Recovery? | MyKCM

The residential real estate market has definitely been the shining light in this country’s current economic situation. All-time low mortgage rates coupled with a new appreciation of what a home truly means has caused the housing market to push forward through this major health crisis. Let’s look at two measures that explain the resilience of ...

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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Home Equity by the Numbers


Home Equity by the Numbers


As home prices have continued to rise across the country, so has home equity. If you're looking to sell your house and move up to your dream home, right now is a great time to use your equity to do so. Let's get together today to go over how much equity you have in your house right now!

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Sellers Are Returning to the Housing Market


Sellers Are Returning to the Housing Market | MyKCM

In today’s housing market, it can be a big challenge for buyers to find homes to purchase, as the number of houses for sale is far below the current demand. Now, however, we’re seeing sellers slowly starting to come back into the market, a bright spark for potential buyers. Javier Vivas, Director of Economic Research ...

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Monday, August 17, 2020

3 Things To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage


3 Things To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage


Before making any big purchases, moving money around, or making any big-time life changes, consult your loan officer. They will be able to tell you how your decision could impact your home loan.

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The Beginning of an Economic Recovery

 The Beginning of an Economic Recovery | MyKCM

The news these days seems to have a mix of highs and lows. We may hear that an economic recovery is starting, but we’ve also seen some of the worst economic data in the history of our country. The challenge today is to understand exactly what’s going on and what it means relative to the ...

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Friday, August 14, 2020

Housing by the Numbers


Housing by the Numbers


Things are moving quickly in today's real estate market, but the numbers are looking good for both buyers and sellers. Let's connect to make sure you have what you need to achieve your housing goals this year.

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Mortgage Rates & Payments by Decade [INFOGRAPHIC]


Mortgage Rates & Payments by Decade [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM

Some Highlights Sometimes it helps to see the dollars and cents you’ll save when you purchase a home while mortgage rates are low. Today’s low rates mean it’s less expensive to borrow money, so the savings over the life of your loan is significant. Let’s connect to determine the best way to position your family ...

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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Tips For Getting Your House Ready For Sale


Tips For Getting Your House Ready For Sale


If you want to sell your home soon, it's worth putting in the work now. Let's get together to chat and start the process!

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Homes Are More Affordable Right Now Than They Have Been in Years


Homes Are More Affordable Right Now Than They Have Been in Years | MyKCM

Today, home prices are appreciating. When we hear prices are going up, it’s normal to think a home will cost more as the trend continues. The way the housing market is positioned today, however, low mortgage rates are actually making homes more affordable, even as prices rise. Here’s why. According to the Mortgage Monitor Report ...

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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Do You Know Your Credit Score?


Do You Know Your Credit Score?


Many people assume their credit score is too low to qualify to purchase a home. In reality, 84% of Americans have a credit score that would allow them to become homeowners.! If you'd like to find out more about what your credit score really means, let's get together to chat about the opportunities.

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Why Foreclosures Won’t Crush the Housing Market Next Year


Why Foreclosures Won’t Crush the Housing Market Next Year | MyKCM

With the strength of the current housing market growing every day and more Americans returning to work, a faster-than-expected recovery in the housing sector is already well underway. Regardless, many are still asking the question: will we see a wave of foreclosures as a result of the current crisis? Thankfully, research shows the number of ...

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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why Pre-Approval Should Be Your First Step


Why Pre-Approval Should Be Your First Step


Houses are selling quickly, and sometimes competition is driving multiple offers. If you're looking for your dream home, let's get together to discuss how pre-approval gives you a competitive edge when you get to the offer stage.

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Current Buyer & Seller Perks in the Housing Market

Current Buyer & Seller Perks in the Housing Market | MyKCM

Today’s housing market is making a truly impressive turnaround, and it’s also setting up some outstanding opportunities for buyers and sellers. Whether you’re thinking of buying or selling a home this year, there are perks today that are rarely available, and definitely worth looking into. Here are the top two. The Biggest Perk for Buyers: ...

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Monday, August 10, 2020

Top 5 Reasons to Own A Home


Top 5 Reasons to Own A Home


Homeownership has a number of compelling benefits. Let’s get together to make your dream a reality if you are ready to buy a home of your own!

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The Latest Unemployment Report: Slow and Steady Improvement

The Latest Unemployment Report: Slow and Steady Improvement | MyKCM

Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its latest Employment Situation Summary. Going into the release, the expert consensus was for 1.58 million jobs to be added in July, and for the unemployment rate to fall to 10.5%. When the official report came out, it revealed that 1.8 million jobs were added, and ...

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Friday, August 7, 2020

2020 Homebuyer Preferences [INFOGRAPHIC]

2020 Homebuyer Preferences [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM

Some Highlights A recent study from HarrisX shows the current health crisis isn’t slowing down today’s homebuyers. Many buyers are accelerating their timelines to take advantage of low mortgage rates, and staying home has enabled some to save more money to put toward a down payment. Let’s connect today if your needs have recently changed ...

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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Expert Reactions to the 2020 Housing Market Recovery

Expert Reactions to the 2020 Housing Market Recovery


Experts are raving about the amazing recovery the housing market has made. Let's connect to plan the best move you and your family can make this year.

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How Is Remote Work Changing Homebuyer Needs?

How Is Remote Work Changing Homebuyer Needs? | MyKCM

With more companies figuring out how to efficiently and effectively enable their employees to work remotely (and for longer than most of us initially expected), homeowners throughout the country are re-evaluating their needs. Do I still need to live close to my company’s office building? Do I need a larger home with more office space? ...

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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Why Homeowners Have Great Selling Power Today

Why Homeowners Have Great Selling Power Today | MyKCM

We’re sitting in an optimal moment in time for homeowners who are ready to sell their houses and make a move this year. Today’s homeowners are, on average, staying in their homes longer than they used to, and this is one factor driving increased homeowner equity. When equity grows, selling a house becomes increasingly desirable. ...

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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Today’s Buyers Are Serious about Purchasing a Home

Today’s Buyers Are Serious about Purchasing a Home | MyKCM

Today’s homebuyers are not just talking about their plans, they’re actively engaged in the buying process – and they’re serious about it. A recent report by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) indicates: “…. Of American adults considering a future home purchase in the second quarter of 2020, about half (49%) are not simply ...

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Monday, August 3, 2020

Experts Weigh-In on the Remarkable Strength of the Housing Market

Experts Weigh-In on the Remarkable Strength of the Housing Market | MyKCM

America has faced its share of challenges in 2020. A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, a financial crisis leaving millions still unemployed, and an upcoming presidential election that may prove to be one of the most contentious in our nation’s history all continue to test this country in unimaginable ways. Even with all of that uncertainty, the residential ...

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