Monday, January 16, 2012

Short Sale Naperville IL

Realtor: Short Sale Expert. PAY $0 Realtor, Bank, Lawyer Fee's! Along with a VIDEO that explains exactly what a Short Sale is! With many families having difficulties making ends meet today, there is an alternative to foreclosure that does not involve bankruptcy. A Short Sale is a process in which you get lenders permission to sell your property for less than what is owed. There is a short video to watch that will explain the entire process in which I will be able to help you.There'll be a list of documents that will be needed to be accepted for Short Sale.I will send you FREE information on all the documents that would be needed for your particular lender. Send me an e-mail or call me directly and I can e-mail all the information. Short Sale Naperville IL

This is the last year for TheMortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt Cancellation Don’t lose out on this opportunity! Many Lenders are offering upwards of $3000.00 for moving expenses when you sell your house. Chase and Bank of America are also offering larger incentives if you qualify! Allot of loan modifications fail and the foreclosure proceeding does not stop, while in this process!

If you are having difficulties making your payments and are about to be foreclosed on, or the process of foreclosure started you could be one step away from being kicked out of your home by the Sheriff. Having all your personal possessions thrown out in the street in front of all of your neighbors. By doing a Short Sale your family can live in the property, you will not be getting the harassing phone calls from the lender while this process is on taking place. During the Short Sale you can live your life. Call me directly and I will go over everything with you. Find out what an experienced Realtor along with an Experienced Real Estate Attorney Can Do For You Call me @ 630-281-2507


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Dupage,Will County 60564,60563,60564,60565,60566,60567

Short Sale Naperville IL